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Vila Martin

Low energy house.


By modelling how a building will perform with a range of design variables such as building orientation (relative to the daily and seasonal position of the sun), window and door type and placement, over-hang depth, insulation type and values of the building elements, air tightness (weatherisation), the efficiency of heating, cooling, lighting and other equipment, as well as local climate, we can predict the energy performance of a building.
These simulations help us to predict how the building will perform before it is built, and enable us to model the economic and financial implications on building cost and benefit analysis, or even more appropriate, life cycle assessment.
Green walls and cooling water features as shown in this project is the key to the energy efficiency and low running cost of this home. The Indoor water feature is the centrepiece of this home. Green energy sources combined and tailor made solutions ad to the passive heating concept. Sliding glass and ornamental wood panels open up the kitchen and dining area to the outdoor space.
The large aquarium between the entrance and living area makes a significant statement between the entrance and the private living areas behind.

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