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Hotel Inspiration

Executive Summary


The task of this competition “Design of Hotel Inspiration” is to plan a hotel with dedicated space for meditation, spiritual work, creativity, art, music and movement. The key role in this proposed design is the meaningful associations between Feng Shui, Numerology (Fibonacci) and bioclimatic study. In the development of this innovative design solution, the intention was to create a building with strong earth and sky connection. This functionality is associated with the circulation and filtration with respect to the external environment.


Concept Generation


Specifically calculated cardinal directions according to Feng Shui principles define the orientation and design of the building. Feng Shui is a Chinese science that was used to enhance specific qualities in the room and create a stronger bond between habitat and nature in the building. It derives from a system of knowledge drawn from observation, reflection, and especially daily interaction of man with nature. Starting from different views and by combining science, astronomy, medicine, philosophy and esotericism, the Chinese people have been collecting and transmitting from generation to generation, a concept that aims to set the perfect integration of man to his natural environment. The numerology and Fibonacci sequencing creates the proportions. The bioclimatic study analyses the wind and sun effects on the build, and suggests where vegetation is required to promote the optimal air flow throughout the building, as well as defined shading for all seasons.

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