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About Core


CORE’s mission is to create unique architectural masterpieces by combining the best of modern Western technologies with ancient Eastern philosophies.


We are committed to design excellence, while simultaneously adding value for our clients through the innovative application of ecological and sustainable construction materials, and low energy technologies. The energy performance of our buildings over their lifetime is of paramount importance to us.


Our expertise is designing extremely energy efficient and unique buildings with low heating and cooling demands. We create harmonious living environments, individually engineered for each client’s specific needs.


CORE incorporates the best of breed concepts from around the world. We are specialised and experienced in a vast array of relevant topics including green architecture, renewable energies, space optimisation, Feng Shui, project management and damp proofing. By combining these we are able to deliver an end-to-end tailor-made solution to our clients. The advantage of this approach is that clients can pick and choose the most important aspects to suit their specific requirements, while giving responsibility to one organisation to manage the entire project, giving peace of mind.


Building in Portugal isn't without its own set of difficulties, such as rising damp, inadequate insulation and choice of the wrong building materials. Having worked on projects throughout the world, we have been able to witness first hand the various techniques used and bring the ones which we believe are the best to our clients.

By teaming up with specialised international businesses, we are able to offer a truly unique proposition that we believe sets us apart.

Inspiration is  the seed for every great thing. Following the idea that "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”

Our inspiration is based on the simplicity of simple things; simple forms, natural materials and sleek design develops the inspiration to its form. Starting with analysing nature, the spot, the environment and going further and further into detail until the optimum space is created.

“A great building must begin with the unmeasurable, must go through measurable to design and concept and in the end must be unmeasurable again – marking its presence just by its energies showing Architecture as a visual art, and allowing the building to speak for itself.”


We evolve design concepts, packages of design details, technology applications and approaches to aesthetics, based on influences of nature and evolve our client in developing his dream building. Truly contemporary architecture and construction language suitable to the country and the client´s needs.

With over 10 years of experience in the field of nature friendly designs and constructions, CORE enjoys being part of the development and completion of over 50 buildings – ranging from individuals, business houses / corporates, and Government departments.

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